Silas, why did you choose to sing the song ‘Wonder of Wonders’?

When I first watched the movie ‘Fiddler on the Roof(1971)’ on giving up all traditions, I was so taken up with this song ‘Wonder of wonders’ from that movie. So, I quietly tried to learn this song and consciously made efforts to not hum the tune in front of anyone. I liked the words in that song, as they were so meaningful. Yet I didn’t know, how my wedding was going to be.

While I was sure that Jesse was God’s will for me, I began trying to relate every line in that song to something I had experienced in life’s journey. But there were few lines I really couldn’t relate to, as I didn’t have something remarkable to relate to. But I had made up my mind to sing this song on my wedding day to my wife.

But while the wedding day was nearing, the Lord brought us through so many fierce storms of opposition and miraculous ways. Those events helped me relate the words of the song much more confidently and thoroughly. Thus I sang the song Wonder of wonders to my Queen.

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles-
God took a Daniel once again,
Stood by his side and miracle of miracles- 
Walked him through the lions den!
Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles-
I was afraid that God would frown,
But like he did so long ago, at Jericho,
God just made a wall fall down!

When Moses softened Pharaohs heart, that was a miracle.
When God made the waters of the red sea part, that was a miracle too!
But of all God's miracles large and small,
The most miraculous one of all 
Is that out of a worthless lump of clay,
God has made a man today.

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles-
God took Silas by the hand
Turned him around and- miracle of miracles- Led him to the promised land!

When David slew Goliath (yes!), that was a miracle.
When God gave us manna in the wilderness, that was a miracle too.
But of all God's miracles large and small,
The most miraculous one of all 
Is the one I thought could never be: 
God has given you to me.