17th December 2014
Subject: pray and read!
To: Silas Zechariah Vettriselvan <silas.zechariah@gmail.com>
password : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Bro Zac mentioned this in His book..its easier to turn a ship while its moving than when its still…so had to take this step !!!!
am praying for Your reply !!!! i can’t believe am doing this..yet am ‘lead’ to do it !!!
Contents of the Encrypted email
Brother………….. I have begun to like You !!! Just for this one reason “You know who You are in CHRIST!!” Yesterday when I was in a state of confusion about You and what I should do further….i called up a close and trusted friend of mine (who will be delivering Her first child in the month of Jan)…She asked me to discuss this with some elderly person..and since I have none as of now…She said that she would discuss it with Her Mom and let me know…..They have brought up their children in a Godly way and I have always had respect for them. Meanwhile I was waiting for the response and was in prayer…Her Mom advised me not to keep this matter from Uncle and Aunty…as I am a ‘girl’ and I had begun to like You. Every college mate of mine ..let me tell You..almost everyone knows how close I am with Uncle and He is a father figure to me..So keeping this thing ‘about you’ from him would be injustice and would break their faith…Her Mom advised me not to delay ….. So my justification to her was that since I did not know what You felt about me…I should wait till I am sure… yet She spoke firmly that Uncle and Aunty are looking out for me and FYI i have rejected 3 alliances just waiting for You .. now this was Her Mom’s Godly advice and am having peace with it. Now everything said and done….i like You… what do You have to say about this?? Please (keeping in mind my situation and that I am with my Uncle and Aunty…) avoid giving me a diplomatic and vague reply… I am very serious…!! May Your yes be yes and no be no. Be sincere and no SIMBLY’s plizzzz Lots to say yet this will do… I just have one question …the question John the Baptist asked Jesus..”Are You the ONE or should i keep on looking for another????” Am waiting for a reply…if yes…I ‘willl’ have to tell Uncle about You at least before Christmas and He will definitely call You without any doubt …. Or Your parents!!! I have prayed ..when the angels spoke to Mary about the child …He likewise informed Joseph about the same…
So without any doubt ..if You are the ‘ONE’ God has for me which I feel or think so ….Then God should have also spoken to You about the same..So let me know please….Be open and frank.. I have guarded my heart soo far and will continue to do so if You say ‘No’ coz I trust in Him to give me HIS BEST…I will go ahead with my life ..it’s not late at all.. If I don’t fall in line with Your expectations like whom You wish to marry ..feel free to say..i wouldn’t mind. If there is any other hindrance pliz feel free to tell ..i will understand …like caste, region, non CFC, am not a typical house wife girl, am not from Tuty, have not yet attained the 1Peter 3:4 yet..am pressing on definitely …., my bulky family background, my relatives, my parents, or simply that am from a typical Pentecostal background, or am not working, too outspoken, not the kind of person Your parents would approve etc etc etc… Whatever be the case..please be open and tell me… God has given me this promise…. For with God nothing is impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Waiting for a reply ……………………….!!!