A no make-UP bride
As daughters of our loving Heavenly Father, we have certain desires and convictions when it comes to our – yes Our own wedding Day. Yet how many of us are actually able to carry it out or stand firm on these..? Now, if you have sought for a Godly man, you would reap glorious treasures out of it!! So why not begin it now..!! What’s your priority in life ?? What do you seek for ? Is it to please others or please your Creator? All throughout my single days….I had desired to go makeup less on my wedding day….yet I was also aware that a mutual understanding with my groom was required for that as it involved the both of us. Today i should say – Just two p(P)erson matters most to me on my D day… Him first & him second !! Ask and it shall be given unto you !! Today is the day to consider these small yet significant things …. Tomorrow might be too late…
Read moreReply to the proposal email
18th December, 2017 [Beginning of Message] – (Un-cut) ******************************************* From: Silas Vettriselvan <silas.zechariah@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:05 AM Subject: Re: pray and read! To: Jesse Calvary <jessecalvary7@gmail.com> I prayed and just read it. I have been praying for your as well. But I didn’t expect this from you. I have no issues in answering you at the moment. I just feel that “My time has not yet come…”. As I’m not ready or matured enough to build a home. Also brother Zac has highlighted the same in his book titled ‘Sex, Love and Marriage’ in ‘Chapter 5 – Finding your better half’. I’ve pasted that paragraph below. It is not possible to lay down any specific rules in relation to age, but it is advisable for a man to marry…
Read moreThe Proposal email
17th December 2014 [Beginning of Message] – (Un-cut) ******************************************* Subject: pray and read! To: Silas Zechariah Vettriselvan <silas.zechariah@gmail.com> password : xxxxxxxxxxxx Bro Zac mentioned this in His book..its easier to turn a ship while its moving than when its still…so had to take this step !!!! am praying for Your reply !!!! i can’t believe am doing this..yet am ‘lead’ to do it !!! Contents of the Encrypted email Brother………….. I have begun to like You !!! Just for this one reason “You know who You are in CHRIST!!” Yesterday when I was in a state of confusion about You and what I should do further….i called up a close and trusted friend of mine (who will be delivering Her first child in the month of Jan)…She asked me to discuss this with some elderly person..and since I have none as of now…She said that she would discuss it with Her Mom and…
Read moreGod created man

I was born to my parents (K.Vettriselvan & Jeya Kalpana) as the 5th born in October 1990.
Read moreGod created woman

I was born to my parents (Lalnghaklien Hmar & Marion) as the 3rd born in November 1989.
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