18th December, 2017
[Beginning of Message] – (Un-cut)
From: Silas Vettriselvan <silas.zechariah@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: pray and read!
To: Jesse Calvary <jessecalvary7@gmail.com>
I prayed and just read it.
I have been praying for your as well.
But I didn’t expect this from you.
I have no issues in answering you at the moment.
I just feel that “My time has not yet come…”. As I’m not ready or matured enough to build a home. Also brother Zac has highlighted the same in his book titled ‘Sex, Love and Marriage’ in ‘Chapter 5 – Finding your better half’. I’ve pasted that paragraph below.
It is not possible to lay down any specific rules in relation to age, but it is advisable for a man to marry between the ages of 25 and 32. Before 25, he will be immature, and in any case should devote himself undistractedly to the Lord’s work. After 32, it will be more difficult for him to make adjustments (which are unavoidable in marriage), as he will be more set in his ways. For similar reasons, it is advisable for a girl to marry between the ages of 20 and 27. These are not rigid rules, for circumstances and other factors may sometimes compel a person to marry at a later age. But where the choice is in your hands, it is better to keep within these limits.
If the Lord wills, I will be happy to accept it in His time.
But as you have been given a time frame, I pray that you find God’s will in this matter.
Thanks & Regards,
Silas Zechariah V.
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